Kozluk (Zvornik)

Kozluk is a village located in the Zvornik Municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kozluk is an ethnic Bosniak majority village.



The 1991 census showed Divič had a total population of 1388.


Serbian aggression on Kozluk

Before the war, Kozluk was populated predominantly by Bosniaks. In the beginning of June 1992, Muslim police officers in the Muslim village of Kozluk in Zvornik municipality were forced to surrender their uniforms and weapons to a Serb police officer.

Later that month, an attack was launched on the village. A large number of Serb soldiers, Territorial Defence, and paramilitary units entered Kozluk in tanks and other military vehicles. They informed the Muslim villagers that they had one hour to leave, or they would be killed. They also told them that they could not take any personal belongings with them, and forced them to sign statements surrendering their property. On the same day, a convoy of vehicles organized by the Serbs transported approximately 1,800 persons out of the municipality. [1]

Investigations in 1999 led to a mass grave being found near Kozluk containing the victims of the Srebrenica genocide.

The return

Return of Bosniaks to Kozluk began in 2001, and was mostly completed by 2003. Because the economy is poor in this region, however, some people from Kozluk work in Austria and other parts of Europe. Discrimination is part of the problem; in the nearby water-bottling factory, only 3 of 150 employees are Bosniaks. The rest are Serbs.[2]


  1. ^ http://www.un.org/icty/pressreal/2006/p1115e-summary.htm
  2. ^ http://www.wrmea.com/archives/March_2009/0903034.html